transformation needs communication.
film production & video agency for content that matters.



Societal challenges are growing while people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter.

Welcome to the Attention Economy.

Every second counts.
Also in the stories we visualize. For companies, agencies, and institutions.

Sustainable communication is needed to take people with you through all these changes. With our films, videos, and social media content, we inform, entertain, and inspire: Through commercials, corporate films, documentaries, or event videos.

We serve you on a (recycled) silver platter:

  • #consultingforchange
  • #contentforchange
  • #filmingforchange
  • #speakingforchange

Let’s have a coffee for change! 



What sounds like a good song by Fanta 4 are actually important signposts for our future. And between climate change and AI we need signposts to make the right decisions. 

Communicating your project and your message authentically is our passion. Strategically considered, conceptually convincing, visually appealing. Without green-, pink- and bluewashing. That is our strength!

cineMars bridging the gap between

  • sustainable consulting
    = Green Consulting
  • sustainable production
    = Green Producing
  • and sustainable communication
    = Green Storytelling 

Our value-driven work and expertise with sensitive topics make us the ideal creative partner for all those who

  • (want to) strive for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
  • (want to) do business sustainably
  • (want to) communicate change
  • (want to) give cat videos serious competition on social media
  • Prioritizing the economics of filming to cut carbon emissions 
  • Digital meetings & production processes
  • If possible: Remote directing & local crews
  • Primary use of sustainable means of transport: rail, car sharing, electric cars or our cargo bike
  • COâ‚‚e-compensation of all air travel
  • Tech-sharing with collegues and industry partners
  • Solely using LED-technology in our light equipment
  • Supporting local and sustainable businesses when purchasing material
  • Vegetarian catering on set
  • Covering electricity requirements with green electricity
  • “no stand by” rule – devices are turned off when not in use 
  • Reduction of paper and waste
  • Shopping in zero waste shops and sustainable office supply stores
  • Provision of job tickets & bicycles for employees
  • Tap water instead of bottled water




Election Campaign Ad
We are very pleased that Pauline will be joining our cineTeam as an intern until the end of July and will accompany cineMars for a while. …
The first part of our documentary series “Only Human” is now available on the streaming platform behind the tree. We are thrilled that this special project has found its place and was selected by the high-profile jury. …
In 2014, Lars and Matteo started to realize film projects together and did so under the name cineMars from 2015: An exciting, challenging and enriching time began. …
The first day in the new office was also Sarah’s first day. …
November 9 is a date with history for Germany and Europe: the Reichspogromnacht in 1938, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. …
We have long established ourselves with #filmingforchange and our expertise in the areas of impact, transformation, and sustainability. However, our showreel has not yet reflected this. …
Happy New Year! We wish you optimism, fresh energy and good ideas for a hopefully more peaceful 2024. …
The Youlius Award was also Sina’s first day, and she will be enriching our cineTeam until the end of July 2024. …
Major milestones for our Only Human project. The first part of the documentary series was shown live at Schauspiel Köln and the Kölner Philharmonie. …
Many months of work have once again gone into the Youlius Award, which was presented at the Cinenova on September 9 2023. …
There it is! A lot of passion, time and perfectionism went into this project, which resulted in a rap song and music video. …
In March, we spent a weekend accompanying the Citizens’ Council on Education and Learning during a conference in Montabaur. …


Once a season, we’ll update you on what’s happening in the cineMars universe.
Follow us along on our quest of filming for change. Expect entertaining sneak peeks into our projects, film and event tips and – of course – thought-provoking content!

Be the first to know

Social issues at the core of our work

Impact Producing: Designing individual impact campaigns and strategies to effect change by reaching the right audience and pushing the film topics into society

For example: Campaigning for more tolerance and equality in our project Only Human

  • Our project documentations helped to empower individuals to participate in projects focussed on inclusion and social integration as well as helping securing funding for associations such as music4everybody.
  • Social and political involvement as a company and as individuals, e.g. with m4e, Volt or BVGCG
  • Children and youth work within art projects, workshops or festivals

Long-term Partnerships with educational facilities, NGOs and Impact Start-ups who all pledge to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

Financial responsibility and giving back

  • We donate our services to help making social projects and their causes more visible.
  • We support crowd-funding campaigns of promising film and art projects.
  • We support the creative and cultural industry with a special focus on young talents by contributing to the Verein zur Förderung der Webvideokultur e.V (Association for the promotion of Webvideo culture)

The human component

  • We provide fair, flexible and human working conditions at cineMars
  • Home office options
    Workplace health promotion & team events
  • Respect and trust are key to our work environment on set which serves as a safe space in which sensitive topics and questions can be addressed and discussed.